First Hef, now Prince Albert. What is the world coming to?
“L’Express online reported yesterday that Prince Albert’s fiancée, Charlene Wittstock tried to flee the principality over the weekend hours after learning that Albert had not been leading the exemplary life she thought. L'Express claimed that a distraught Wittstock was eventually stopped at the Nice airport, where officials were acting on a request from the royal palace and that it required 'infinite persuasion' by the Prince and members of his entourage to convince her to stay. Christiane Stahl, chief advisor to Prince Albert, vehemently denied the story. She also suggested that the rumors stemmed 'from utter jealousy.'
Yeah, because every gal dreams of marrying a fat, balding Man Whore. Charlene, honey, you are a high school dropout and a mediocre athlete, this is the BEST deal you’re ever gonna get. Go through with the wedding, fill up that suitcase with Royal Cash, then skip town.