Also known as a Squat Toilet this type of toilet does not have an elevated seat and is essentially a hole in the ground. And while the city of Paris consistently uses elevated toilet seats in its public restrooms, the rest of France does not. Traveling in the French countryside during the weekend necessitates the use of roadside rest stops which are often equipped only with Turkish Toilets. As a mother I can think of no more disturbing conversation than having to explain to one’s three year old daughter how to use a Turkish Toilet. I mean, we are talking about the world’s fifth largest Economic Superpower here and a hole in the ground is the best they can do? We finally invested in an inflatable potty with biodegradable plastic bags you insert inside it and take it with us everywhere now.
"..a hole in the ground is the best they can do?.." it is so sad to hear you judge an area with this simple sample. I'm Turkish and let me explain the situation. We used to waste wster everywhere because of our lot of resources. Also because of that our poor people may not have enough to feed themselves but always take care of them keep clean as much as they could. As an old habit, we got to use of that kind toilets because by that way nobody has to sit to a place, where someone who we don't know sat before. We are talking about bare bottoms as you know. Even fat and old people having too much problem to use the old type but they still insist on their old fashioned way. They dont trust paper/etc covers and they want to keep their body away from strangers. I'm not trying to defend or blame for anything but to explain the thing from wrong thought. I've been to some Europe countries, southwest Asia, west Africa, believe me I've seen too many kinds in usage. Ours called "A la Turka toilet". The chair type used lately is called "A la franka toilet" and you can find that type 80% all around the country easily. It is getting in common use late 20 years, with the old one. The old type is may be at the old buidings or may be for the use of more local visitors. Another example is; most of us keep both type in our apartments for our seniors sudden visit. I'm sorry it took long but much to say less to write & there's much to talk about the different habits which you may not be familiar. Also sorry for bothering you about this "facility" subject. Have a nice day Alison.